Nasekomo products
extracted from
Black Soldier Flies.

Whole Dried Larvae

About the product
Used by wild bird feed producers to cover fat balls and poultry farmers to feed fowl naturally.
Whole dried larvae provide the protein and energy fowl need during winter. Insects are instinctive food for birds and there is nothing better for them to peck some larvae. Whole dried larvae play the role of coating agent around fat balls but can also be incorporated, ground, inside the fat ball.
Chickens can peck freely whole dried larvae from the ground. It stimulates their natural behavior, reduces stress levels and conflicts between animals. Dried larvae bring a rich cocktail of nutrients to supplement their usual diet.
Regulatory Information
As Regulation (EU) No. 206/2010 allows for BSF whole dried larvae to be used in wild birdfeed products. In August 2021, Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 authorized the use of processed animal proteins derived from insects in poultry and pig feed. This regulation came into effect in September 2021. Whole dried larvae contain about 42% of protein and 26% of functional fat but also some micronutrients such as calcium and phosphorus.
Defatted Protein Meal

About the product
Used by pet food manufacturers to formulate hypoallergenic, healthy and sustainable products for dogs and cats and aquafeed manufacturers to offer an alternative source of protein to fish meal highly digestible and sustainable.
Defatted protein meal is very rich in protein, from 50 to 65% depending on defatting level. Since it is a very rare and novel source of protein for pets, there is an extremely low risk for allergies.
With a very high protein digestibility (close to 90%) but also the presence of chitin, minerals and micronutrients, defatted protein meal is a premium ingredient for pets that can be easily formulated into dry food and treats. It also offers good palatability and a pleasant smell for pets and parents.
It provides the best nutritional and environmental alternative to fish meals with a very similar amino acid profile. Insects constitute a natural diet for many fish species and can provide them with precious nutrients they need such as chitin and antimicrobial peptides.
Insect protein meal can contribute to better performance in aquaculture (better FCR, weight gain, better feed intake) but also better health and animal welfare (measurable through blood markers, animal gut health modulator, reduction of antibiotic, back to naturality, reduction of mortality rate and diseases issues).
Regulatory Information
As of 2017/893, EU regulations allow the use of processed animal protein derived from Black Soldier Fly and compound feed containing such processed animal protein, for feeding aquaculture animals. As of 2017 EU regulations allow for insect protein meal to be used in pet food.
Insect Oil

About the product
Used by pet food manufacturers to formulate functional healthy products for dogs and cats and poultry and pig feed producers to supplement starter feed diets of animals with a functional source of fat.
Refined insect oil contains around 50% of lauric acid, a powerful natural antioxidant agent contributing to protecting the immune system of pets, as a good alternative to coconut oil or other vegetable oils. It can be used as a natural palatability agent (used to coat kibble, treats) and a good source of energy with the presence of Omega 6 and 9. The post-weaning stage is critical for piglets from a nutritional point of view. Insect oil can help reduce the issues related to dietary changes by providing health benefits (helping the digestive system) and overall animal welfare (stress control, decreasing mortality rate and the use of antibiotics …). The presence of lauric acid is a powerful antimicrobial and antiviral agent.
Insect oil can play the role of a functional additive into chickens’ diet, as an alternative to soybean oil or other vegetable oils. The high content in medium-chain fatty acids such as lauric acid can strengthen their immune system, act positively on their gut microbiota, improve their productivity by providing a valuable source of energy, issued from a natural diet for poultry: insect larvae.
Regulatory Information
As of 2017/893, EU regulations allow the use of processed animal protein derived from Black Soldier Fly and compound feed containing such processed animal protein, for feeding aquaculture animals. As of 2017 EU regulations allow for insect protein meal to be used in pet food.
In August 2021, Regulation (EU) 2021/1372 authorized the use of processed animal proteins derived from insects in poultry and pig feed. This regulation came into effect in September 2021.
Organic Certified Insect Fertilizer

About the product
Used by farmers to formulate insect frass-based organic fertilizers or to use directly as soil amender and fertilizer.
Our fertilizer is made from Black Soldier fly larvae castings and food fibres. It is a perfect choice for soil nutrition and remediation. Rich in organic matter, essential minerals, and chitin, our fertilizer contributes to healthy crops and strengthens the natural defences of plants. With N, P, and K levels at 3-3-3, our fertilizer is great for vegetable growing.
Regulatory Information
As of Regulation (EU), 2021/1925 allow the use of insect frass to be used as organic certified fertilizer under certain manufacturing practices. Nasekomo insect fertilizer complies with EU Regulation 834/2007 for organic production.
Black Soldier Fly Eggs

About the product
Used by BSF insect farmers and companies active in the bioconversion of organic waste.
Biology might be the most critical part of insect farming. We deal with live organisms very sensitive to external parameters. Each gram of eggs can contain up to 40.000 larvae (neonates) after hatching. Our BSF eggs are issued from several years of research to enrich our genetic pool and will be soon powered by genetic improvements through our Fly Genetic company, a joint venture between Nasekomo and Grimaud Group, a leader in animal genetics.
Our eggs can help start a new Black Soldier Fly colony, boosting an existing one to scale up the production but also lining up the daily needs to fuel units of bioconversion and ensure continuity into the conversion flow.