Nasekomo Projects
Nasekomo 3Bs – Bits, bots, and bugs for an insect-mediated circular economy
Project: „Nasekomo 3Bs – Bits, bots, and bugs for an insect-mediated circular economy“
Short description: Creation of the first prototype Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Multiplication Center, which implements a group of technologies for precise management of the biology and reproduction cycle, robotised production operations, logistics and forwarding of multiplication products, as well as solutions from Industry 4.0.
Beneficiery: Nasekomo EAD
Total project cost: BGN 6 978 015.89, of which BGN 4 884 611.10 grant.
Financed by: European Union – NextGenerationEU through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Finish: 12.09.2025
Procedure: BG-RRP-2.006 Support for innovative SMEs awarded with the Seal of Excellence
Scaling up the insect industry green impact through deployment of industrial insect technology
Short description of the project: The main objective of the project is to increase the company’s competitiveness through development of a series of technologies leading to an automated insect multiplication and bioconversion allowing the production at industrial scale of sustainable and environmentally-friendly insect’s proteins.
Beneficiary: Nasekomo EAD
Financing organization: Innovation Norway – Norway Grants 2014-2021
Total project cost: 433 714 EUR, of which 345 000 EUR grant.
Start: July 2021
Finish: December 2023
Innovative services for emerging bio-based industries: parametrization of key industrial indicators for insect bio-valorization of low-value organic streams
Project: Innovative services for emerging bio-based industries: parametrization of key industrial indicators for insect bio-valorization of low-value organic streams / Иновативни услуги за новоизгряващите био-базирани индустрии: параметризиране на ключови индустриални индикатори за био-валоризация чрез насекоми на нискостойностни растителни суровини
Срок на изпълнение: 18 месеца (Декември 2022 – Юни 2024)
Участващи организации: „Насекомо“ ЕАД (координатор); „Районна Ветеринарна Станция – Русе“ ЕООД (партньор)
Финансираща организация: Изпълнителна агенция за насърчаване на малките и средните предприятия – Национален иновационен фонд
Обща стойност на проекта: 616 234,82 лв., от които 440 132,84 лв. безвъзмездна финансова помощ
Цел на проекта: Да се изведат научни данни, валидирани както лабораторно, така и в близка до производствената среда, за ключовите физико-химични индикатори в процеса на био-валоризация чрез насекоми, които да рамкират оптималните параметри за стартиране и рентабилно управление на мощност за био-валоризиране чрез насекоми.
Научното и техническо знание, което ще се придобие, е насочено към развиване на капацитет за въвеждане на нови за пазара услуги, базирани на научни данни, статистически валидни методи и производствен опит, които да улеснят инвеститорите и ползвателите на технологии и продукти на био-валоризация чрез насекоми.
Nasekomo. Introducing highly innovative technologies for feeding broilers and laying hens to improve their health and the quality of their products.
Project: Nasekomo. Introducing highly innovative technologies for feeding broilers and laying hens to improve their health and the quality of their products. / Насекомо. Въвеждане на високоиновативни технологии при хранене на бройлери и кокошки носачки за подобряване на тяхното здраве и качествени показатели на техните продукти”
Objective of the project
To investigate the biological capabilities of BSF larvae to improve their bioactive and nutritional capacity.
To produce specific BSF larvae products that will have a positive effect on the health and productivity of broilers and laying hens.
To study and analyze the effect of BSF products on the performance and health of broilers and laying hens and to identify sustainable technologies for industrial production.
To inform the public and train farmers on a national scale about the benefits of new insect-based diets.
To publish all results in national /international journals.
Description of activities:
Project management, reporting and control to achieve the goals while respecting all program rules – horizontal.
Research activities.
● Study and improve the biochemical parameters of BSFl.
● Research on the effects of BSF products to develop innovative fееd technologies in poultry.
● Testing and validation of certain BSF products under industrial conditions.
Production activities. Activities in this group will include the production and delivery of BSF products for all experiments.
Interactive, informational and educational activities for the purposes and benefits will be carried out throughout the project period.
Total budget: 382 443 лв.
Project coordinator: Nasekomo
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